Below is the code I used for the video above.
This is where the LED flashes “0” to “7” and back to “0” this is looped three times. There are no other movement.
The LED stops and spins left, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are -255 for the left and 255 for the right
This is where the robot spins right, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are 255 for the left and -255 for the right
This is where the LED flashes “0” to “7” and back to “0” this is looped three times. There are no other movement.
The LED stops and moved forward, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are 255 for the left and 255 for the right
This is where the buggy spins left, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are -255 for the left and 255 for the right
This is where the buggy moved forward, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are 255 for the left and 255 for the right