Friday, 6 May 2011

Introduction To the Buggy =)

My assignment is to create a buggy that coud be used as a "vacume cleaner". it shoud be able to use various inputs and outputs. for instance, Infra-Red so it could mobe aroud a room/maze unsupervised. If the the test goes sucessfull then the "vacume" assembly will be incoprated in to the buggy.

I am going to review the buggy above and the software which is used to program it. The buggy has manny imput, Infra-Red, Light Sensor, Line Sensor and Mic. and the outputs are LED, Motor and Speaker.


Infra-Red Sensor: this kind of sensor is used so that the buggy coud virtully see the walls so it does not hit it.

Light Sensor: this kind of sensor is used so that it could stop moving when it gets dark.
Mic: this kind of sensor is used so that it could react to soud for example a clap.Line Sensor: this kind of sensor is used so that it could follow a black line.


You can program the LED's in the robot so you coud make it flash in a sequence or indvadually.The motor are used so that the buggy could turn left, right, move forwards and backwords and also do a 350 on one place.The speaker is used to made a musical tune.


The Software which was used was called "Formuls Flowcode". You can virtually play the buggy in the software. Below is an example for buggies LEDflash. The code had 1 second delay time sp the LED lighht coud change simultanously.

Aanother example can be thet making the buggy move forward 150, followed by a delay time of 2 seconds, then spin left 150, another delay time of 850 milisecond, move forward 150 and finally stop.


• A low cost, all-inclusive solution

• Can also be used for mechanical studies

• A highly motivating approach to learning

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