Friday, 27 May 2011

Create a Flowcode control design

I am going to talk about how i created the following codes.

Below is the code I used for the video above.

This is where the LED flashes “0” to “7” and back to “0” this is looped three times. There are no other movement.

The LED stops and spins left, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are -255 for the left and 255 for the right

This is where the robot spins right, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are 255 for the left and -255 for the right

This is where the LED flashes “0” to “7” and back to “0” this is looped three times. There are no other movement.

The LED stops and moved forward, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are 255 for the left and 255 for the right

This is where the buggy spins left, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are -255 for the left and 255 for the right

This is where the buggy moved forward, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are 255 for the left and 255 for the right

This is where the buggy spins left, as shown by the arrow and the power for the left and right motors which are -255 for the left and 255 for the right

This is where the buggy stops moving.

The program went to plan but apart of couple of things. I was not able to make the buggy do two commands at once, i.e. move and flash LED at once. I overcame this problem by making the LED flash before each movement.
The only problem I had was that when the buggy started to move, "LED 0" will not switch off. Also at the start when the buggy started spinning it spun too slow. I also had a problem with different buggy moving in a straight line.
Another problem I had was with the software, i had to st the speed correct to make the buggy go in a straight line of turn a certain degrees to the lift or right
I could have made the buggy respond to distance and light to it would act more as a vacuum cleaner.
But over all programming the buggy was a success apart from a few hiccups.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Introduction To the Buggy =)

My assignment is to create a buggy that coud be used as a "vacume cleaner". it shoud be able to use various inputs and outputs. for instance, Infra-Red so it could mobe aroud a room/maze unsupervised. If the the test goes sucessfull then the "vacume" assembly will be incoprated in to the buggy.

I am going to review the buggy above and the software which is used to program it. The buggy has manny imput, Infra-Red, Light Sensor, Line Sensor and Mic. and the outputs are LED, Motor and Speaker.


Infra-Red Sensor: this kind of sensor is used so that the buggy coud virtully see the walls so it does not hit it.

Light Sensor: this kind of sensor is used so that it could stop moving when it gets dark.
Mic: this kind of sensor is used so that it could react to soud for example a clap.Line Sensor: this kind of sensor is used so that it could follow a black line.


You can program the LED's in the robot so you coud make it flash in a sequence or indvadually.The motor are used so that the buggy could turn left, right, move forwards and backwords and also do a 350 on one place.The speaker is used to made a musical tune.


The Software which was used was called "Formuls Flowcode". You can virtually play the buggy in the software. Below is an example for buggies LEDflash. The code had 1 second delay time sp the LED lighht coud change simultanously.

Aanother example can be thet making the buggy move forward 150, followed by a delay time of 2 seconds, then spin left 150, another delay time of 850 milisecond, move forward 150 and finally stop.


• A low cost, all-inclusive solution

• Can also be used for mechanical studies

• A highly motivating approach to learning